We are exactly…

…who we are

Beautifully created

Gracefully nurtured

Made to be


To move this world forward

We are human

In all that it entails


our mistakes and in our successes

In the mist of learning and in part our

subsequent teaching

Of these lessons

We were made to be loving

Because we

could only have been made out of love

In this lies our humanity


creation is supernatural in itself

All things about us is grounded in a


We create individually

We are who we define ourselves to be

With the

knowledge that lies within us

Given to us to discern

to trust

and act


We choose to be humble and that is who we are

We choose to show mercy and

that is what we will do

We choose to be humane and the world changes

One human

at a time

We are exactly

who we choose to be

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